The film follows two English police officers in their hunt for charismatic poet and Zionist freedom fighter Avraham Stern who was plotting to evict the British authorities. Set in Palestine in the 1930s/40s.
Film Notes
Film notes will be added soon.
What is F-Rated?
The F-Rating is applied to all films which are:
Directed by women
Written by women
Has one or more significant women on screen
If it qualifies with one of the above it gets the Bronze rating.
If it qualifies with two of the above it gets the Silver rating.
If it qualifies with all three of the above it gets the Gold rating.
Film Scores
In order to calculate which film has been most popular and which has been least popular, we have used the following formula.
( (No. of Excellent votes * 5) +
(No. of Good votes * 4) +
(No. of Average votes * 3) +
(No. of Poor votes * 2) +
(No. of Very Poor votes * 1) )
/ Total No. of Votes for Film
This gives a score of between 1 and 5.
What is F-Rated?
The F-Rating is applied to all films which are:
Directed by women
Written by women
Has one or more significant women on screen
If it qualifies with one of the above it gets the Bronze rating.
If it qualifies with two of the above it gets the Silver rating.
If it qualifies with all three of the above it gets the Gold rating.
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